2019 Annual Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2019
Breakfast and Registration [7:30am – 8:30am] SERC Lounge
Session 1a
SERC, room 110A - Chair: Eric Borguet
[8:30am-8:40am] John Perdew, Opening Remarks: The challenge of complex materials
[8:40am-8:55am] John Perdew, SCAN is good; can it be better?
[8:55am-9:20am] Qimin Yan, A machine learns the periodic table
[9:20am-9:45am] Weitao Yang, Quasiparticle and excitation energies from ground-state DFT with the localized orbital scaling correction
[9:45am-10:10am] Maria Iavarone, The effect of atomic-scale strain and strain relaxation on the electronic properties of monolayer MoS2
Coffee Break - [10:10am-10:30am]
SERC Lounge
Session 1b
SERC, room 110A - Chair: Maria Iavarone
[10:30am-10:55am] Adrienn Ruzsinszky, Going beyond the random phase approximation for materials
[10:55am-11:20am] Xifan Wu, SCAN and the challenge of liquid water
[11:20am-11:45am] Eric Borguet, SCAN and the water/alumina interface
Lunch and Breakout by Thrusts - [11:45am-1:35pm]
Thrust I: SERC 108B
Thrust II: SERC 110A
Thrust III: SERC 110B
Session 2a
SERC, room 110A - Chair: Qimin Yan
[1:35pm-2:00pm] Rick Remsing, Catalysis between the layers: Theory and computation
[2:00pm-2:25pm] Dan Strongin, Catalysis between the layers: Experiment I
[2:25pm-2:50pm] Mike Zdilla, Catalysis between the layers: Experiment II
[2:50pm-3:15pm] Jinliang Ning, Tunable catalytic activity in Co-intercalated MnO2
Coffee Break - [3:15pm-3:35pm]
SERC Lounge
Session 2b
SERC, room 110A - Chair: Rick Remsing
[3:35pm-4:00pm] Goran Karapetrov, Anisotropic charge density waves in a layered material
[4:00pm-4:25pm] Arun Bansil, SCAN and the challenge of the cuprate superconducting materials
[4:25pm-4:40pm] Jianwei Sun, SCAN and the stripes of YBCO
Executive Committee and Advisory Board Members Meeting - [4:40pm-5:40pm]
SERC 504
Poster Session - [4:40pm-6:00pm]
SERC Mezzanine
Dinner, off site - [6:30pm-8:30pm]